The following multimedia tutorials are available for viewing. These tutorials include 3D animations that help you better understand the features, benefits and clinical applications of VOCO products. Click a title to enter the tutorial classroom.
Class Title
Release Date
Meron Plus QM
Meron Plus QM is an automix resin modified glass ionomer cement. You can use it with confidence for the cementation of metal-based inlays, onlays, crowns and bridges; for high-strength all-ceramic crowns and bridges, such as those that are zirconium dioxide-based; for high-strength all-ceramic inlays; and for metal, ceramic and fiber-reinforced posts.
Grandio blocs
VOCO is now pleased to bring you Grandio blocs, highly-filled Nano-Ceramic Hybrid CAD/CAM blocks. Grandio blocs combine high strength and optimal tooth-like physical properties with ease of use, to enable you to provide enhanced performance and true one appointment dentistry.
Ionolux®: VOCO’s State-of-Art Glass Ionomer
With Ionolux light-cured, resin-modified glass ionomer restorative you get composite-like handling and esthetics that save you time, simplify the procedure and produce the beautiful, long-lasting results that you’ve come to expect from VOCO.
Admira Fusion
As the world’s first purely ceramic-based direct universal restorative material, VOCO's Admira Fusion creates a new material class in dentistry. Watch this class and learn all about this exciting new restorative material.
Remin Pro for Whitening Sensitivities
Indicated for use after whitening, professional cleaning, and the prevention and control of hypersensitivity, Remin Pro® combines three components —hydroxyapatite, fluoride and xylitol—that have been clinically proven to deliver effective protection against demineralization and erosion. Shannon Pace Brinker (CDA, CDD) shows a clinical video demonstrating the use of Remin Pro for whitening sensitivites.
Remin Pro for Whitening Sensitivities
Indicated for use after whitening, professional cleaning, and the prevention and control of hypersensitivity, Remin Pro® combines three components —hydroxyapatite, fluoride and xylitol—that have been clinically proven to deliver effective protection against demineralization and erosion. Shannon Pace Brinker (CDA, CDD) shows a clinical video demonstrating the use of Remin Pro for whitening sensitivites.
Futurabond U from VOCO
VOCO, a worldwide leader in innovative dental products, introduces new Futurabond U, a nano-reinforced, dual-cured, one-step, universal adhesive that comes in a patented single-dose delivery system.
Structur 3
With new Structur 3 Temporary Crown and Bridge Material, fabrication of temporary crowns and bridges just got faster and better!
GrandTEC®: Resin-impregnated glass fiber strand
VOCO is proud to introduce GrandTEC®, a state-of-the-art resin-impregnated glass fiber strand designed specifically for clinical situations that demand the highest levels of stability and adhesive strength.
Quick Up from VOCO
Quick Up is an innovative and complete system that provides you with all the materials you need to quickly, easily and effectively attach corresponding attachments to an acrylic-based denture with the new Quick Up technique.
Grandio®SO Flow and Heavy Flow
This module will introduce you to new Grandio®SO Flow and Heavy Flow, and show how both products combine the easy handling you expect from a flowable with superior physical properties that—until now—were available only from packable universal composites.
This module will introduce you to Grandio®SO, a substrate-optimized universal nano-hybrid composite—and show how its unique combination of superior handling, aesthetics and ideal physical properties make it the most tooth-like composite ever developed.
VOCO introduces new Amaris®, a highly esthetic, light curing restorative system that will transform the way you practice dentistry.
Bifix SE
Bifix SE is a dual-cured, self-adhesive universal resin cement that saves time and money by reducing the chances of long-term failures and streamlining the cementing process into four easy steps.
Profluorid Varnish
VOCO America introduces Profluorid Varnish, a 5% sodium fluoride dental varnish that comes in a new, convenient, no-mess delivery system.