I Have It...You Need It: Working Smarter Not Harder!
Presenter: Dr. Howard Glazer
Release Date: 2/12/25
Credits: 1 CEU, Free Self-Study
Expiration Date: 2/12/28
AGD Subject Code: 780
This is a CE webinar about real dentistry for real people by a real dentist! Dr. Glazer has been practicing for 50 years and knows what materials, products and techniques will make your day at the office easier, more productive and fun! This unique webinar will discuss what’s tried and true, and what’s new. Topics may include adhesives, composites, prevention, provisional materials, tissue retraction, lasers, rotary cutting instruments, curing lights, and patient management tools.
During this CE webinar, we will • learn the different types of materials in various product categories • learn what is faster, easier and better • be able to understand the merits of when and where to use a product/material
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