Efficient Digital Dentures
Presenter: Dr. Russell Schafer
Release Date: 1/28/25
Credits: 1 CEU, Free Self-Study
Expiration Date: 1/28/28
AGD Subject Code: 670
More dentures are being made through digital processes as dentists try to bring this service in office to lower their lab bill and labs try to speed up their production flows. Also resins and printers have been continually improving so that patients get a better prosthetic. Dr. Russell Schafer has been fabricating digital dentures in his office since 2018 using a variety of 3d printers and resins. Despite this, he still works closely with a CDT for many cases. In this CE webinar, Dr. Schafer will go through how he decides when to make 3d printed denture in house vs when to send it to a lab to design vs when to send it to a conventional denture lab. Also we will discuss efficient methods for taking denture records to minimize the number of appointments needed to deliver well fitting dentures. Finally, we will discuss different types of dentures and methods of manufacturing 3d printed dentures.
During this CE webinar, we will review: • how to take the correct records for digital dentures • when to make dentures in house vs utilize a lab • the differences between monolithic with staining and two-piece dentures
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