The Missing pHuzzle Piece
Presenter: Sarah Eller, RDH, IPDH
Release Date: 9/19/23
Credits: 1 CEU, Free Self-Study
Expiration Date: 9/19/26
AGD Subject Code: 730
Reviewed: 2025
Nearly 90% of adults has experienced tooth decay, a statistic remaining largely unchanged since the 90’s. It’s no mystery that decay and demineralization are rampant concerns with solutions that most often put a Band-Aid on the source of problem while waiting for more invasive treatments. It’s time we enter the new age of proactive and minimally invasive treatment, addressing the source of the problem (oral dysbiosis) and ways to counteract its negative effects.
During this CE webinar, we will • Learn about pH and its effects on the oral environment • Understand the importance of a healthy salivary buffering capacity • Identify oral conditions and their likelihood to present in certain pH environments • Recognize products that remineralize decalcified tooth enamel & how to implement them into a clinical workflow
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