Stick Out Your Tongue and Show Me What You've Got - Oral Cancer: The How, What, and Why
Presenter: Tricia Osuna, RDH, BSDH, FAADH
Release Date: 9/14/22
Credits: 1 CEU, Free Self-Study
Expiration Date: 9/14/28
AGD Subject Code: 730
Reviewed: 2025
One procedure, which has not changed over time, is the responsibility, as healthcare providers, to perform regular oral cancer screenings. With the increase of interdisciplinary education, we have recognized the need to reach out to those health care professionals to support our efforts to save lives since we all treat and provide care for the same people! Many professionals now benefit from updated information to reinforce which adjunctive devices and tests are new on the market to perform screenings. These new tests and devices have the ability to enhance our skills to communicate with patients and staff about the importance of the oral cancer screening process.
As professionals providing health services, we should be at the pulse of clinical devices and appropriate patient care, while being able to recommend product protocols for use in the office.
This CE webinar will provide information for the clinicians to be able to: • Discuss the state of the disease, why the morbidity and mortality rates have not changed in the last 30+ years • Recognize traditional and new risk factors for oral cancer • Educate patients and team members that early discovery can result in a 90% success rate • Embrace new modalities for screening and early discovery • Recommend product protocols
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