Incorporate OMT Into Your Practice
Presenter: Shirley Gutkowski, RDH, BSDH
Release Date: 1/21/22
Credits: 1 CEU, Free Self-Study
Expiration Date: 1/21/28
AGD Subject Code: 730
Reviewed: 2025
Orofacial myofunctional Therapy (OMT) is a complex practice of seeing things we have never seen before. Assessing the function of the facial muscles then training those muscles to behave in a way that is more physiological is a growing field of study and application. In so doing, your patients’ quality of life is improved greatly. There is more to dentistry and dental hygiene than teeth. In this CE webinar we will take a deeper dive into what a tongue tie really looks like and reassessing the low bar we currently have for a tongue tie. The tongue does far more than help in speech or eating.
In the dental practice it may seem at first that there is no financial gain to offering an assessment of the musculature of the face and airway when nothing can be further from the truth. Starting as soon as possible can lead to snoring devices, growth devices, and more. Solving problems with the soft tissue can increase value to your patients driving referrals and make stellar dentistry last even longer.
During this CE webinar, we will: • List the ways a tongue tie can be hidden • Apply useful key elements on the next patient assessment • Categorize ways to improve snoring treatment outcomes
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