Near Infrared Technology: A Novel Solution to Bulk-Fill with Warmed Composite!
Presenter: Dr. Foroud Hakim
Release Date: 3/11/21
Credits: 1 CEU, Free Self-Study
Expiration Date: 3/11/28
AGD Subject Code: 250
Reviewed: 2025
Experts have touted the benefits of working with warmed composites for years. Why then are composite warmers and dentists who employ them few and far between? Clunky delivery, hassle-factor, unperceived value…are just some of the cited reasons.
This CE webinar will cover a novel new material & delivery technology that can simplify several challenges in contemporary practice. Introducing bulk-fill restorations that fit a spectrum of preparations, from large replacement restorations to “early intervention”, MID type preparations. Leveraging the benefits of durable and carve-able body composite, the cavity adaptation dynamics that a flowable provides, and the benefits of warm composite have finally been made simple and easy!
During this CE webinar, attendees will learn: • The benefits of working with warm composite. • The latest science and protocols for bulk-filling. • Techniques for delivering long-lasting direct restorations that are void-free, esthetic, predictable, and fast.
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