Healthier Supra-gingival, Biocompatible Dentistry
Presenter: Dr. Jose-Luis Ruiz
Release Date: 10/12/18
Credits: 1 CEU, Free Self-Study
Expiration Date: 10/12/28
AGD Subject Code: 250
Reviewed: 2025
We live in a society that is clamoring for healthier food and healthier medicine, and now that there is an increase in knowledge, current society also demands healthier dentistry. For over a century, restorative dentistry has focused on repairing damaged teeth, but some of the procedures, techniques, and materials used to restore teeth have created collateral damage. We live in the 21st Century and we now have better techniques and more knowledge than ever before, thus we can offer healthier and longer lasting options to our patients. In this fast-paced CE webinar, Dr. Ruiz will present a variety of ways in which dentists can provide their patients with healthier supra-gingival, minimally invasive, biocompatible dentistry.
Upon completion of this CE webinar, the participant will learn a variety of ways that can provide patients with healthier supra-gingival, minimally invasive, biocompatible dentistry.
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