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Leather and Chains - Cementation to Make CAD/CAM Restorations Sexy and Strong 
Presenter: Dr. Jack Griffin Release Date: 6/22/16
Credits: 1 CEU, Free Self-Study Expiration Date: 6/22/28
AGD Subject Code: 610 Reviewed: 2025        

CAD/CAM dominates the indirect dental restoration world today. Unfortunately there are often issues with leakage, breakage, lost restorations, sensitivity, and cement clean up. In this course we will discuss the restoration and cementation materials to obtain the best long term results. With a myriad of newer restorative materials and seemingly endless choices in luting materials and bonding systems we will simplify things for predictable clinical success with the most durable indirect esthetic materials ever.

In this CE webinar, we will discuss the trendy durable indirect esthetic materials featuring zirconia and lithium disilicate while focusing on clinical efficiency and long-term success by discussing the prep, cementation, bonding, and adjustments. CAD/CAM dentistry will be featured as well as clarification of luting materials emphasizing materials and protocol for maximum strength and clinical efficiency. “Universal” bonding agents will be discussed and when to use them in the luting protocol for long term durability. We will learn how to do it right the first time and to make the practice more enjoyable and efficient.   ( disclaimer , AGD PACE Statement )

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