Are We Asking Too Much of Fluoride
Presenter: Dr. Brian Novy
Release Date: 4/16/15
Credits: 1 CEU, Free Self-Study
Expiration Date: 4/16/28
AGD Subject Code: 161
Reviewed: 2025
The science of remineralization continues to evolve, and evidence indicates there is an intricate balance between bacteria, teeth, and saliva which drive both demineralization and remineralization. Armed with new systems to monitor disease, it’s possible to apply emerging research to practice and stop “watching” lesions.
At the end of this CE webinar, participants should be able to: 1. Identify unbalanced risk factors leading to disease 2. Explain the four “targets” of remineralization 3. Describe factors required in order to arrest lesions 4. Accurately chart and “track” early caries lesions
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