Extreme Resin Makeovers: Treating Incisal Attrition and Vertical Collapse with Direct Resin for Reduced Dental Budgets
Presenter: Dr. Peter Walford
Release Date: 10/22/13
Credits: 1 CEU, Free Self-Study
Expiration Date: 10/22/28
AGD Subject Code: 250
Reviewed: 2025
With the correct resins and a knowledgeable, simplified prosthodontic approach, selected Attrition/Erosion cases can be reliably restored using direct resin.
Upon completion of this CE webinar, the student: will understand case management, use of stents and diagnostic devices, specialized matrixes, a systematic composite protocol, and accelerated placement techniques to obtain a controlled result quickly and cost-effectively; techniques learned can be incorporated into simpler cases in daily practice, building new revenue streams.
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