Take it Outside - Indirect Restorative Techniques without the High Cost of Technology
Presenter: Dr. Mark Malterud
Release Date: 5/22/13
Credits: 1 CEU, Free Self-Study
Expiration Date: 5/22/28
AGD Subject Code: 610
Reviewed: 2025
Participants will be presented alternatives to lab or CAD/CAM restorations for the fabrication of inlays onlays, crowns in a single appointment. As an addition, some unique problem solving situations will be shown in the clinical setting. Upon completion of this CE webinar, the student will be able to: understand the different alternatives to lab or CAD/CAM restorations for the fabrication of inlays onlays, crowns in a single appointment; understand the use of different materials in the restorative process through clinical presentations; understand a variety of problem-solving methods in clinical situations.
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