Simplifying Overdentures in Today's Economy
Presenter: Dr. Ara Nazarian
Release Date: 1/23/13
Credits: 1 CEU, Free Self-Study
Expiration Date: 1/23/28
AGD Subject Code: 670
Reviewed: 2025
In today's society we are finding more and more patients presenting with edentulous ridges. In fact, as the number of Baby Boomers increase, so does the number of patients requiring dentures since age and tooth loss are totally related. In addition, many patients have put off dental treatment until they have pain. For these patients, they have waited so long that now they are in need of several extractions leading to dentures. With the problems associated with dentures and or multiple tooth loss, there is an increasing need for implant therapy. However, not everyone can afford full mouth rehabilitation with implants and bridges. For these patients overdentures is an affordable option. This CE webinar will examine the techniques utilized to make the overdenture process effective and efficient for the dentist.
Upon completion of this CE webinar, the student will be able to: identify the factors causing tooth loss; understand when implant therapy is appropriate; understand when implants, bridges, dentures and overdentures are needed and the factors affecting those decisions; understand the techniques utilized to make the overdenture process effective and efficient for the dentist.
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