Stop Watching Caries and Start Managing It
Presenter: Dr. Parag Kachalia
Release Date: 5/22/12
Credits: 1 CEU, Free Self-Study
Expiration Date: 5/22/28
AGD Subject Code: 161
Reviewed: 2025
In this CE webinar Dr. Kachalia will provide strategies on implementing a caries management protocol in your practice. The course will look at advances in chemotherapeutic agents as well as restorative materials and techniques that allow your patient's health to be protected while being profitable for the practice.
Upon completion of this CE webinar, the student will be able to: understand how to implement caries risk assessment; be exposed to products that will help manage and prevent carious lesions; be familiar with the current marketplace of caries diagnostics through an overview; understand the tenets of minimally invasive prep design;Understand the new world of resin technology
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