Chairside Placement of Implant Overdenture Attachments
Presenter: Dr. George Priest
Release Date: 1/19/12
Credits: 1 CEU, Free Self-Study
Expiration Date: 1/19/28
AGD Subject Code: 690
Reviewed: 2025
Attachment-retained implant overdentures have proven to be a new standard of treatment for edentulous patients. This CE webinar will demonstrate a step-by-step protocol for precise, efficient, and cost-effective chariside attachment placement, using the mandibular two-implant overdenture and maxillary four-implant overdenture as examples. A novel bis-acryl resin system designed specifically for predictably precise chairside attachment simplifies the process while eliminating the expense of laboratory procedures. The methods demonstrated are effective for fabricating new implant overdentures as well as conversion of existing dentures for implant retention and replacement of worn or malpositioned attachments.
Upon completion of this CE webinar, the student will be able to: be familiar with a step-by-step protocol for precise, efficient and cost-effective chariside attachment placement
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