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This website gives you immediate access to our multimedia training library where you can learn about new techniques and materials from expert clinicians. Earn "interactive CEU" by signing up for free VOCO LIVE Webinars. Take the on-demand CE classes anytime and earn free "self-study CEU".

Upcoming Live CE Webinars (view all)

enter classroom Pushing the Envelope: Direct and Indirect Posterior Solutions with Composite
Presenter: Dr. Lauren Rainey and Dr. Mauricio Watanabe    CE Credits: 1 CEU
Webinar Begins:  4/2/25  7:00 PM ET,  4:00 PM PT

The science and technology built into dental composite resins is impressive, but rarely do practitioners (or patients) realize how versatile our materials really can be. Direct placement is the most common approach for composite, but by relying on the material science within, predictable indirect composite restorations can also be life-like, strong and long lasting. Join the co-presenters in this CE webinar as they review cases from North and South America as they compare and contrast uses of composite resin in their daily practice.    (enter class)

enter classroom Dental Hygiene Treatment Planning: New and Amended CDT Procedure Codes for 2025
Presenter: Kathy S. Forbes, RDH, BS    CE Credits: 1 CEU
Webinar Begins:  4/8/25  7:00 PM ET,  4:00 PM PT

More and more, dental hygienists are expected to select the most accurate CDT procedure codes for the medically necessary treatment they provide to patients. Since the ADA’s Code Maintenance Committee meets yearly, those procedures and their descriptors can either be amended, deleted, or stay the same. The CE webinar will discuss the changes (or not) and additions/deletions which came on January 1, 2025. Some of the new and updated dental procedure codes will include revisions and additions to implant maintenance procedures, long requested by hygienists. In addition, more and more caries management products are being developed and how to know which code is the most appropriate. And what procedure code for desiccation therapy? A total of 10 new codes, 8 revised codes and 2 deleted codes will be presented.    (enter class)

enter classroom Move Ions, Move!
Presenter: Dr. Brian Novy    CE Credits: 1 CEU
Webinar Begins:  4/22/25  7:00 PM ET,  4:00 PM PT

Armed with new clinical guidelines based on recent systematic reviews, clinicians must choose between the comfort of what they’ve always done and what can stop and reverse dental caries. It’s time to move from bonding to chemical fusion.    (enter class)

Featured CE Class (view all)

enter classroom CAD CAM, Nano-hybrid Composite Crowns on Immediate Loading Implants in the Aesthetic Area: Temporary or Definitive Restoration?
Presenter: Dr. Amilkar Rocha    CE Credits: 1 CEU

This CE webinar will discuss which criteria needs to be met such as optimal primary stability, correct 3D positioning, etc., during immediate implant placement in the anterior region. Additionally, the Dr. Rocha will discuss the creation of an immediate provisional restoration on the implant while respecting biological principles leading to preservation of the papillae, gingival volume, and recession prevention. A step-by-step case will be presented showcasing the use of a stratified composite resin for both the provisional restoration as well as the infrastructure.    (enter class)

Latest Podcast Episodes (view all)

Episode: When Implants Aren’t an Option: The Case for Fiber-Reinforced Bridges
From Series: VOCO Dental Podcast Series
Series: VOCO America CE Credits: 0.5
Guest: Dr. Marvin Chacon Release Date: 3/10/25

Featured Product Tutorial (view all)

enter classroom Grandio blocs

VOCO is now pleased to bring you Grandio blocs, highly-filled Nano-Ceramic Hybrid CAD/CAM blocks. Grandio blocs combine high strength and optimal tooth-like physical properties with ease of use, to enable you to provide enhanced performance and true one appointment dentistry.    (enter class)

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  • 17 upcoming webinars
  • 75 Podcast Episodes
  • 227 on-demand classes
  • 15 product tutorials
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